Removing Barriers Through Literacy

Valley of Wellness

For We Are All Worthy
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Kibosh/Kybosh           Removing Barriers


                                Removing The Barriers In Life

Sponsor of the Naturally Blessed Foundation

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What We Do?

Kibosh/Kybosh is removing the barriers that keeps us mentally, physically, and spiritually captive.

Here at Kibosh-Kybosh, we work on joining different tools and aspects of living that will empower people to become their best. We try to make it simple for people to find an easy way to get healthy and to get to where they would love to be. We provide solutions, resources for people to get help when they seek for advice or just a helping hand, we also bring products that work and to empower people to become successful. 

It took me everything that I am, my experiences to realize that each one of us has got to become a humble person, to look past the feelings of bitterness and revenge, to find love within ourselves, and to spread this love to others.  

Our victory depends on how we want to pay back the love of God towards us. We can invest in God's love and learn how we can preserve our souls and find the right solutions to life. We have to make the important decisions and start living well-sheltered under the banner of the living sacrifice of Jesus Christ and by the heavenly authority of God Almighty. 

What Drives Us?

Why Kibosh/Kybosh started.

Kibosh/Kybosh is an established company created for publishing and marketing as well as distributing to adults and children educational books, poetry and other public services. My greatest dream is to see a world where humanity is more prone to being good and helping others. I have a vision, of a world, a nation, a society, communities that does not see the need for wars among nations. I envision a world where more people join together to combat and suppress racial prejudiced, and other evil practices in societies.  It may be almost impossible to eradicate evil completely- (like it was in the garden of Eden), but each individual has the power within, that can excite the will of God and make us ready to understand and help in sharing the world and building peace and togetherness.  Together we can do this one community after another. The world needs more light workers doing the will of God!

Confronting The challenges of Antisemitism And Hatred

I long for world peace where every person is allowed their inalienable right to be free and treated as equal, because we all belong in this world, as we all experience this world as mother nature intends, and we all live and exit the same, according to our sustenance and longevity. We are all human, so we must agree that it is so, and move on to a higher level of existence and consciousness. This is what will work and end our troubles: love, humility, compassion. The worst emotion is hate and there are a lot of hidden dangers connected to hatred. 

We can put the pieces together and realize that caring for others is the road to finding absolute peace on earth. To make my vision a reality, I understand that we have to forget the ills and try kindness and love at an attempt to bring back more positive than negative vibrations around the world. Perhaps this is what will change our environments from chaos (Earth's torments: tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, fires, killings, hostility, accidents, chaos, wars...) and bring balance and peace .  Our world is fueled by love, and we have to acknowledge God and the spiritual battle that is going on between God and the devil. Genesis 19: 1- 26, 27-29-36

There are negative and positive forces dominating our world, and we are being led blindly astray when we do not uplift ourselves to become master of our free will. If we don't enrich our wisdom and use these great privileges found in the gift of love and the virtues of life, then evil will be established within us and dominate our world with wickedness. When we fail to embrace divinity, evil will reign strong; which is obviously detrimental and will only bring suffering and doom for humanity.

If You Want To Make The World A Better Place Take A Look At Yourself And Make A change.  Man In The Mirror: Michael Jackson 

But we are a beautiful extension of love, we are all family and expected to be happy and to live in harmony. We just don't know how or some of us don't wish to be kind and good to one another, some of us have given away our souls to wickedness. No matter what the evil spirits says to you, evil does not own your soul and you can renounce evil and ask evil to exit your life and you can take back your power at any time. God,s will is for goodness and graciousness to come into our hearts, whenever we wish, and remove the state of confusion and loss that we are in. The is only one human race with a body that functions the same. Whether we are Jewish, Arab, Black, Brown, White, Hispanic, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, West Indian, American Indian we all belong to the human race or Humanity; we have to put away hatred and to understand the beauty of the differences between us. 

We can compel evil to be pushed out of our being. Oh my God! You gave us this power and the condition to govern our entity. This is the answer to our story; but why do we remain so hardened in our hearts and so disconnected from our spirituality, from God? You can stop thinking negatively about your life, and begin doing good to change our lives and our world in general. I know you have heard this many times but we can start practicing kindness and begin with a smile, even now even today, as we go about our daily duties.

Life on earth can be an amazing experience, not just for some but for us all. Why would we evoke suffering to others when we are all eligible to give and receive God's will and blessings? When we exalt God, he will exalt ourselves. The power is within because he dwells in us! hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. proverbs 10: 12

About Us?

What is our focus and vision for the future?

To remove barriers that is affecting us as humans.

Our aim is to remove the barriers that handicap humanity and keep us from finding world peace. There are many ways by which we are being held back from living the best life on Earth, free of hunger, oppression, discrimination, biases, abuse, victimization and other evils. The perfect life has to have laughter, music, dancing, giving and receiving, humbleness, forgiveness, loving, and kindness. Let's get to work here; we can experience God's grace when we want to demonstrate the virtues and discover truth. How does our world work? We have to instill love in our hearts, which is free out there in the universe. The more we share love, the better our world will respond and give us protection from the negative forces that intend to destroy us and degrade our existence. 

Thoughts on bringing about world peace.

The conditions of the hearts of men: sexual iniquity, traitors head strong, high-mindedness, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

 This I say then, walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. (Galatians 5: 16, 17) KJV

We are being tested, and the enemy has to prove their point: that humans are foolish, self absorbed, spiritually blind: lovers of pleasure, immorality, more than lovers of God, empty-brained, unfocused, unworthy, and far from being humane as God intended. So they will, without invitation, enter our homes and bodies, destroy our relationships, and take control over our thoughts and deeds. They introduce envy, hatred, build lust, greed, selfishness, and out of character behaviors, setting- one race, nation, religion, gender, position, family member, relationships against another. The devil has made our society into a dog-eat-dog culture and turned our world into a monopoly. The more confusion there is, the more we become lost and trapped into our personal struggles. Genesis 19: 1- 5, 8 -16, 24, 28, 29. 2 Timothy 3:2-4 KJV 

We can stop this hijacking of our bodies, our homes and become spiritually empowered to control our lives and to be saved from all manner of evil. Our aim here at Kibosh-Kybosh is to awaken humanity to make us think deeper. We endeavor to strengthen self-love in everyone through writing and work to improve literacy in children.  We do this by publishing children's books,  that will foster self-esteem in children and make them understand our individual purpose in life and see the world better. My poetry will introduce us to how racism destroys people and introduce us to the many ways that we are led to unknowingly behave out of character. This poem was written to get people to think deeper, to have a dialog within themselves about the various aspects that controls our minds and behaviors. My writing is never meant to build resentment or to excite anger but rather to help people to get to know themselves, to get to know the spiritual nature and the reality of life. Quicken me, O Lord, for thy name sake: for thy righteousness sake bring my soul out of trouble. Psalms 71: 20

The struggle is way far from being over. We will have to use the forces of freewill and the gifts given to us to win the game concerning spirituality, as we take a stance for the good of Humanity. Finding your faith in a supreme power does not mean religion, which is on a different level that calls for daily worship and devotion with others, and a path towards understanding the Almighty God. We want you to understand that we are all called to be of service to God, God is love and wants us to access the love which he gave through Christ and to share this love with others. Do you want to be a part of God,s will on earth. If this sounds promising, join with us—it all comes down to us trying to live better. If you know and believe in love and world peace, see how we can make a winning effort! We can save our souls from joining demons and other wicked entities walking among us. We need a new plan, because so far we are not doing too good, considering all the wars and destruction happening today. There are evil forces at work and we can bring forth light to illuminate the darkness, we can  tip the balance and bring peace on earth.

God's love is just amazing, he is there to help us no matter how much we fall. God wishes for us to practice sacredness. His benefits are all free and he is giving us everything we need in case we get stuck and want to go back and clean up. God is good to us and he continues to believe that we are worthy of his love. The Holy Spirit is always with us to comfort us! The devil and his army of deceivers wants us to think that our bodies are not sacred and that we are alone in this world, but his lies are unstable just as he is unstable. His plan is for mankind to be in confusion, ashamed, lost, and driven to condemnation. But the word of God was made flesh in Jesus Christ and dwells among us, to show us the way, the truth, the life. Through His redeeming sacrifice and grace we are made to stand as forgiven, redeemed before the throne of God.


Our Ultimate Mission: To protect, encourage and to show the beauty of family. 

What We Do About helping others understand the fundamental of family?

We endeavor to encourage and to show the beauty of family. We can encourage and change families by helping people learn or understand the sacrifice that members of families have to give, or bring to the table to help the family network function. Once we understand the stages of growth that individuals go through as we develop from childhood to adulthood we can have a tolerance and develop the patience that's required in order to allow growth and development in others. As a mother of eight children I know that it is a continuous struggle and dedication on the part of the mother and father but it is doable. 

Family gives us the first real shot of being surrounded by people who will be willing to love us unconditionally. To be truly a loving person is having a steadfast mind, an open and loving heart, and to be vulnerable emotionally, we also refer to the condition as hopeless romantic. Treating the mind is about the emotion and it's all about your attitude and strength, so it's all so tricky and it's not about accepting abuse and disrespect. As long as you can diagnose the mind, and able to control your response and behavior when things does not go in your favor, you are destined to do great things for others. Having the spirit of discernment is necessary when working with family. There is always one or two members of the family who are the real glue and fix it crew, who keeps families together, but for small families it is a bit more difficult, a whole new scenario. A lot rests on mothers. 

Our world depends on mothers and fathers to keep families together. We must never forget the values of our children as they grow up, because our love manifests into our children, and will help them determine their value and self worth. Well adjusted, positive children are the products of hardship and mental anguish on the parents part. Sometimes there is a price to pay; but as parents we have to die to self to give life to our children. To die to self is to possess unwavering patience and to give love unconditionally to our family. 

Families Impacts Society

Here at Kibosh Kybosh we understand that that each life has a purpose and every child, every family matter. When we learn to become in tune with ourselves on our individual journey we can feel and realize when we are lost or confused on our personal discourse. When we are lost to drugs, alcohol, sex, evil maliciousness, doing wickedness, or lasciviousness depending on our experiences and personal development we are however aware of ourselves and not totally blind to what we are practicing or representing. We can allow ourselves to grow without hash judgment. We are our biggest critic which mean that we require wisdom to ever set ourselves free from the grief and the regrets that revisits our minds. 

The whole human existence is a traumatic experience especially when we have to live with poverty and lack. Our goal is to help improve and support families in whatever way we can. As they face each day, we help them see the blessings and to embrace the sacrifice that is necessary for a functioning family. Out of difficulties grow miracles. Jean de La Bruy'ere

Yet to say that we are always aware of the degree of the offense or the consequence or debt of the misbehavior would be quite wrong to say or place on anyone. From childhood we learn not to stick our finger in the sugar jar, but the reason does not become clear until we are capable of understanding the bad thing about ingesting too much sugar especially as a child. 

 Most of the time we hurt others innocently. We may hurt others when we are hurting inside or when we have lost ourselves and have reached a point of self hatred or when we are remorseful coming from a place of revenge. It takes a lot of self discipline and character for any one of us to practice forgiveness. Once we have known and understood sin and transgression it becomes harder for us to grant forgiveness to others. Yet forgiveness is necessary for personal growth and a healthy state of mind. Divine consciousness is the key to acknowledge the human state of existence and to find love, peace and happiness. Only those of us who have experience self mastery can fully find happiness, otherwise for some of us it comes momentarily in a fluttering flash of collective moments and flickering memories. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. Mark Twain

  The journey to mortality requires the holy spirit so that we can walk in victory, to quicken our hearts to open our eyes, ears and minds. To live in harmony with the divine and to experience happiness ask for divine help to walk with you today and always. Also you can help support our mission here at Kibosh-Kybosh by logging into Naturally Blessed Foundation at the top right of this page and making a donation today! thank you! If you are still reading this page I believe that you are a beautiful person with a kind heart, at least I would like to believe in you

Our success certainly depends on wonderful people like you who believes in families and their impact in society. Our contributions have personally impacted about 3000 lives, but through our inspirational teaching we envision a worldwide impact across the globe. There is no estimate on the impact that our literacy and our blogs are making on a worldwide basis. 

What other purpose inspire this endeavor?

To uphold respect for the value and the beauty of women.

This is a divine mission that has been developing, 25 years in the making. Throughout my life I have been applying myself into preparing for this mission, in bringing light to the world, this dream has consumed my entire life. From since I was a child I was called to comfort, the people who are sick, and families of the death and dying. I came from a culture that is caring and benevolent. I am dedicated to the cause of helping people and I am devoted into making this world better for families and for generations to come. Join me on this mission to heal a dying world. This journey has been among my greatest challenges in life. Divine consciousness is the key to acknowledge the human state of existence and to find love, peace and happiness. Challenges are what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.  Joshua J. Marine

Again, I beseech you, to say that the journey to mortality requires the holy spirit so that we can walk in victory, to quicken our hearts to open our eyes, ears and minds. To live in harmony with the divine and to experience happiness ask for divine help to walk with you today and always. So join us today!

Also you can help support our mission here at Kibosh-Kybosh by logging into Naturally Blessed Foundation at the top right of this page and making a donation today! thank you! I appreciate your presence here and hoping and praying that my words can impact strength into you and bless you and your loved ones. You are a beautiful person with a kind heart, and I send you blessings and a prayer for a life of love, and of peace! Please join our Facebook group(s), we are preparing to launch from tweeter, and you can drop us a message. You can find more information at the top of our Naturally Blessed Foundation page. 

Come, my friends 'tis not too late to seek a newer world. Alfred Lord Tennyson

Gloriana A. S. Martha Frederick & Charlemagne

goddess of harmony

Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow. Robert Louis Stevenson